No idea. We (V4 types) have an informal meeting at a shop once a month on 1st Thursday (some wives may be doing some cultural stuff elsewhere
). Bruce Geisler is often there.
When talk went to the swap, Bruce's ears really perked up: "Mel Hoy! Mel gave me a big stack of Dzus tools. I still have a lot of them."
Friday (today) at gearhead breakfast, Bruce says, "I called Glenn last night. It's sold, etc..." Turns out that several local hot-rod types knew about the car for years ("looked like a POS") and thought that Glenn had died years ago. <shrug>
Car is still there. Bruce and company are going to look at it Monday (?).
I think that Bruce would like to have it. He has a nice static hemi with cool LSR stuff sitting in his shop up here.
Lots of speculation by me sitting, on Friday eve, listening to Mississippi Fred McDowell while trying to type on the gawd-forsaken laptop keyboard.
If I learn anything more, I'll post it here.