Author Topic: Welcome to the LTA forum  (Read 84326 times)

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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2008, 05:17:00 PM »
I guess that explains why your club jackets say "Sandpiper Shredders".

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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #31 on: July 19, 2008, 09:40:26 PM »
.................regarding our vehicles noise disturbing the resident population of Upland Sandpipers on this long unused airbase, which they classify as a "threatened species........................

Has anyone checked to see if they happen to have lived there when the base was being used??  Seems you might now be able to make much more noise than the planes did and at least the cars won't have engines that can suck them in or chop them up.

16 hours of sunlight.........I can barely handle the 12 to 14 at Speed Week at my age,


Offline Bob Wanner

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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2008, 12:26:10 PM »
 Has anyone checked to see if they happen to have lived there when the base was being used??  Seems you might now be able to make much more noise than the planes did and at least the cars won't have engines that can suck them in or chop them up.

16 hours of sunlight.........I can barely handle the 12 to 14 at Speed Week at my age,


It's the Wildlife people's call, at this time ,we have to work around this.
I've researched this and found;
The bird co exists with air traffic at active airports in other parts of the state, but the fear is this population ("app18-20 nesting pairs") hasn't had traffic up there in over ten years and might not handle it.
The Bird is also not uncommon throughout other parts of the state,especially at the native Blueberry meadows in the south where it existed well before us humans infested North America.
Part of the entire facilities original over 14000 acres has been designated a Wildlife Refuge, like 4500 acres. There are large Whitetail Deer and Moose on the place, although  sightings of them near the pavement are rare, so working with those that are sympathetic to any wildlife seems to be prudent and objective.
And a Bullwinkle/Sandpiper logo would make a neat T-shirt ,no ?
This is gonna be fun.....
Bob W


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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2008, 12:35:10 PM »
« Last Edit: October 10, 2009, 08:58:01 AM by LVMAXX »

Offline gofast

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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2008, 09:11:03 PM »
Hi Bob,
 I live 4 hours from Loring and I'm looking forward to racing there. Will you be using the tower at the air field? Do you have any tech people lined up?
Bonneville is proof that God loves us and wants us to go fast.

Offline Bob Wanner

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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #35 on: July 28, 2008, 08:05:07 PM »
Marcia !
Four hours from Loring could be approaching the Arctic Circle or Bangor, or Nova Scotia.
We'll probably be using the existing smaller tower at about one mile north from the extreme south end  for recording videos/photos,as it looks to be  too far way from our very broad runway for timing or safety purposes. We will be up there in
the very near future for a media Demo/show day and will hoperfully better grasp where we set up what. It looks like we'll have to construct a proper tower both farther 
down and closer to the track. 
Send me a little more info on your self,either here or off line to help us get a better idea of your capabilities. Don't get us rong, we accept all volunteers,we'll definitely need plenty. Our basic plan includes getting twice as many volunteers to run an event so at least half can be actually racing or meeting the great people in our sport.


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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #36 on: August 05, 2008, 08:48:46 PM »
Bobby Jepson and I, Bob Wanner , will be up to our Runway in Loring for a small media event on Saturday,August 16. We will bring our cars for show and tell about our project and hopefully explaining LSR for our neighbors up North. We will also do demo runs, both to familiarize ourselves with the surface and make a video to show everybody what it looks like. I don't know how much our presence will be publicized otherwise, or how many,if any, curious souls will show. I would like to invite all LSR types that can find any excuse to appear, to come, as I get tired talking to Bobby J all the time.
If you check out the place on a map, we will meet at the far south end of the main runway.
This will not be a racing event, just a little show biz and meet the new neighbors.
Bob W

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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #37 on: August 12, 2008, 02:39:00 PM »
Some specifics regarding August 16th;
We will meet the media, as in a local newspaper and the area TV people at 10 am at the south end of the main runway.
No racing, just a demo,familiarity for a few LSR souls and and meet the community.
This may help..
( (zoom in )
 Hope to see Ya !!!
Bob W

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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #38 on: August 12, 2008, 02:44:36 PM »
Some specifics regarding August 16th;
We will meet the media, as in a local newspaper and the area TV people at 10 am at the south end of the main runway.
No racing, just a demo,familiarity for a few LSR souls and and meet the community.

Nice to hear Bob... and best of luck with the public initiation.
Will you be having any kind of rescue or first aid on hand for the demo runs?

Offline Bob Wanner

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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #39 on: August 12, 2008, 03:46:00 PM »
Hi Todd !
 As we are only running under highway speeds, we didn't feel there was a necessity for Emerg vehicle attendance. Hopefully we make some good connections during this affair and see if any qualified locals are interested in any kind of volunteer work during our maiden event next year. Between now and then we plan on compiling a list of possible attendees with specific skills, ie,tech,safety, timing, moose evasion,etc.
Also, as Debbie Crash is safe out on The Salt, we are comfortable there'll be no cases of jug rash. LOL
As soon as we get something post-able, it will be on here and the site.


Offline Bob Wanner

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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #40 on: August 17, 2008, 08:33:59 PM »
We got back from Maine about 2 this afternoon. Mostly good news !!!
Bobby HotRods Jepson's Turbo Ford Four 27 T ran all over the runway,provided some good footage for the local TV people. And it ran real good on this it's maiden voyage, and the small crowd that showed loved it.
I unloaded my Insight and starter would not engage. Also could not bump start.  Media and other necessary locals preoccupied our time or maybe we would have got it running. Made nice still shots even on a overcast high 70s day
A few local invited bikes showed, and we had the feeling they'd been here before, a lot.
One guy even brought a Radar gun. Maybe bad news, as on the local evening news at 6, the reporter that attended said one rider had gone 188 mph. As we did not have permission to do high speeds, we are happy that nobody actually recorded  this obviously fictitious pass.
The TV guys promised to send a video of our segment, and I'll post it as soon as it happens. I also got some nice video of BJ at speed to make a little promo , maybe combo with the TV thing.
Newspaper guy also interviewed a few of us,took pix, will run in the Maine papers next week, copies hopefully also to follow.
Bob, 10 hours and 580 miles, W

Offline t russell

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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #41 on: August 17, 2008, 09:17:28 PM »
Glad it went well.
Is your group comning to Maxton sept/oct?

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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #42 on: August 17, 2008, 10:11:54 PM »
This is just a thought :?

Several of my friends in ME have sleds that have more into them than their 'cars', NHRA allows (or used to) 'snowmobiles' to 'compete', USFRA allows 'barstools' to compete, IF LTA 'sanctioned' 'snowmobiles' to 'compete' (look to the NHRA for safety rules, etc, displacement  classes & apparel requirements same as M/C) then more local involvement might occur and the LTA could become the premier venue for LSR snowmobiles, and that would fit perfectly with the I know the state of ME award$ grant$ every year for 'snow mobile clubs' 'trail maintenance' (maybe track maintenance?). Besides what else is one to do with a megadollar sled in August?

As I say just a thought :-o

Offline Bob Wanner

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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #43 on: August 18, 2008, 11:42:10 AM »
This is just a thought :?

Several of my friends in ME have sleds that have more into them than their 'cars', NHRA allows (or used to) 'snowmobiles' to 'compete', USFRA allows 'barstools' to compete, IF LTA 'sanctioned' 'snowmobiles' to 'compete' (look to the NHRA for safety rules, etc, displacement  classes & apparel requirements same as M/C) then more local involvement might occur and the LTA could become the premier venue for LSR snowmobiles, and that would fit perfectly with the I know the state of ME award$ grant$ every year for 'snow mobile clubs' 'trail maintenance' (maybe track maintenance?). Besides what else is one to do with a megadollar sled in August?

As I say just a thought :-o
Glad it went well.
Is your group comning to Maxton sept/oct?

I'm trying to both bring my car down in Oct to run it and also get a few event-integral Mainers to attend to see How Its Done.
As far as Snowmobiles, I think it's a great suggestion. especially considering the local population as you said. We will definitely consider it !
Got a phone call a while ago, our video very popular on local  Maine North TV, moved up to feature status, shown about 4-5 times so far.
I actually look older on TV, don't sound any wiser. BJ's dialect is incomprehensible LOL
Getting very mushy watching the pix from Salt Talks, REALLY miss that deal.
Bob of the North, W

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Re: Welcome to the LTA forum
« Reply #44 on: August 18, 2008, 03:41:37 PM »
Bob,  does the TV station that ran the story have a website?  Maybe we can see the feature on it ?

Hope to see you at Maxton in October.

Look me up when you get there.

ECTA Record Holder Maxton

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Fastest Standing Mile at Ohio  203.343mph
Fastest Standing Mile at Maxton 196.967mph
Fastest Standing 1.5 Mile at Loring 213.624mph
Fastest Standing Mile at Loring 204.109mph
