Author Topic: Old Motorcycle Records.  (Read 16889 times)

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Old Motorcycle Records.
« on: February 04, 2005, 05:16:00 AM »
Dose somewon out there have copies of the 1000cc, and 1350cc, class records for Bonneville, before the electronic bike invasion.
   I am interested to see the history (progression) of the speeds through the years, also how thay relate to the performances of the "old" jappers competing today, as i run a 1200cc turbocharged 82 Kawasaki, M/BF.

Offline D-Type

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Re: Old Motorcycle Records.
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2005, 01:50:00 PM »
Here's a few odds and sods (not quite what you're looking for:
 1939 - Noel Baddow "Bill" Pope on a JAP-engined Brough set a lap record for the Brooklands (England) banked track of 124.51 MPH
 3 July 1977
 Barry Sheene (GB) on a Suzuki RG500 lapped the Spa (Belgium) road circuit at 137.51 mph
 Walter Villa on a 250cc Harley Davidson lapped at 129.71 mph
 Eugenio Lazzarini on a 50cc Kreider managed 101.16 mph
 This was the last occasion the full 8.774 mile circuit, made up of ordinary roads,was used for a Grand Prix.
 At Bonneville
 1950 - Roland E Free, ? - 156.71 mph
 1956 - Wilhelm Herz (D), 500cc NSU - 211.40 mph
 1958 - ? , 'The Brute' streamliner - 224.71 mph
 1970 - Carl Rayborn, ? streamliner - 256.49 mph
 1978 - Don Vesco (USA), twin engined Kawasaki about 2030 cc - 318.598 mph
 1990 - Dave Campos, twin Harley engined streamliner 'Easyriders' - 322.15 mph
 BTW these are FIM 2-way speeds
 And in 1996, Mike Grainger set a British record at Elvington of 209.05 mph on a  road-legal 1108cc Kawasaki
 I'm afraid that's all I have
  (And my apologies to JackD from San Diego if I have used any big words he doesn't understand)
  <small>[ February 05, 2005, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: D-Type ]</small>
Oh Lord, please help me to keep my big mouth shut until I know what I am talking about


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Re: Old Motorcycle Records.
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2005, 06:49:00 AM »
It`s not the outright records that i am interested in.
          It is  the indivual class records. The 1000cc and 1350cc, M/G, M/F, M/BF, M/BG, M/PS, etc, etc. for Bonneville only, so i can compare these (old) records to our "old" jappers presently running at Lake Gairdner.

Offline jimmy six

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Re: Old Motorcycle Records.
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2005, 03:34:00 PM »
Give me a end year and I'll see what I can do. J.D.
First GMC 6 powered Fuel roadster over 200, with 2 red hats. Pit crew for Patrick Tone's Super Stock #49 Camaro


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Re: Old Motorcycle Records.
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2005, 07:49:00 AM »
Not sure when the Suzuki Hayabusa (electronic bike), made an impact on Bonneville. However at a guess it would have being at or just after lets say the records from 97, to Y2K.
  The records from this period that particulaly interest me are APS/BF, APS/BG, MPS/BF, MPS/BG, in 1350cc engine displacement class. You will notice that today these records have been "blown out of the water" in comparasion with the other 1350 records.

Offline jimmy six

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Re: Old Motorcycle Records.
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2005, 11:00:00 PM »
Here are the records as they stood in the 2000 rule book all will be for the 1350 and classes you wanted I will include the type bike and the year set:
 APS/BG-CHARLIE TOY,      KAWA 1997-227.772
 MPS/BF-SPIRIT OF TEXAS,  ???? 1996-187.209
 MPS/BG-H.LOUIE,          SUZ  1992-204.798
First GMC 6 powered Fuel roadster over 200, with 2 red hats. Pit crew for Patrick Tone's Super Stock #49 Camaro


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Re: Old Motorcycle Records.
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2005, 04:44:00 AM »
"Thankyou, jimmy six, much appricated".
 Thay show that the eletronic bikes, havent affected them too much, just natural progression i would say.


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« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2005, 12:57:07 PM »
I believe that the records for a-aps/m-mps /bf-bg 750-1000-1350-1650 classes are set with a turbo set up...? but i wanna now the top speed of supercharged bikes  twin-screw/roots/Paxton models any one.... ?

Offline firemanjim

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Old Motorcycle Records.
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2005, 03:28:56 PM »
No way to tell as the "B" class(blown) can be either exhaust driven(turbo) or mechanically driven(supercharger) and records only reflect that.
Bonneville 2001,2002,2003,2004,and NO stinking 2005,DLRA 2006, next?
Well,sure can't complain about 2008--6 records over 200 and 5 hats from Bonneville,Bubs, and El Mirage for the team!

Offline JackD

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« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2005, 10:05:14 PM »
I don't recall anything but turbos on bikes for many years and no records ever that have been broken since the 70s.
And the failure to list Vesco's FIM fecord at 303 with the Yamahas is understandable. Others have forgotten more than that.

A note for D-Type:
That was written in American, you will have to do the English translation yourself.
"I would rather lose going fast enough to win than win going slow enough to lose."
"That horrible smell is dirty feet being held to the fire"

Offline gazza414

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Old Motorcycle Records.
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2005, 03:18:43 AM »
Scott Guthrie might be able to help out.
1 FAST HAYABUSA 217.443mph so far
9 Official Timeslips over 200mph
Very much the apprentice

Offline tomsmith

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The "Brute"
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2006, 01:15:53 PM »
The "Brute" Harley was normally ridden by Jim Hunter.  It was owned by Bud Hood and C B Clausen.  In unstreamlined form, it was the fastest fuel drag race motorcycle in 1952.  In 1958, they ran 172mph on Avenue 5 in Pomona with the Pomona Police acting as spotters and helping make it safe - the road was a narrow 2-lane asphalt road in the middle of orange groves.  In 1954, they put the Brute motor (about 165hp) in the Cooper streamliner after cutting suitable holes in the side of the body for the carbs to stick out  John Fox (the owner) wouldn't let them replace the Norton tranny, so they tried one run and John managed to get it going on almost one cylinder (it loaded up real bad, since I think he started off in 4th gear).  Back in the pits, they lifted the top off and we all gathered round to look.  I asked what the pieces of metal in the bottom of the pan were.  It turned out they were the remains of the transmission.  The engine shook several hundred rivets in the beautiful aluminum body loose.  I just wish I had taken some pictures.
139mph with no bike, but with speedo and helmet.

Offline tomsmith

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old records
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2006, 01:28:58 PM »
Scott Guthrie has the right idea on the old pushrod records.  Newbies might think it is fun to see how the new stuff stacks up to prehistoric bikes.  

By the way, what ever happened to Glenn Curtis's record - did anyone ever believe it?  After all he used a Zeppelin v8 motor, so he had plenty of cubic inches - what I admire most was the tires he had the guts to use.  His bike still exists
139mph with no bike, but with speedo and helmet.

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1952 Bonneville bike records
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2006, 01:11:42 PM »
According to the Nov, 1952 Cycle magazine (not necessarily the definitive source, but best I can do), here are the 2-way motorcycle records set in 1952:

61 cu in (1000cc) Marty Dickerson, Vincent, 142.72mph
40 cu in (650cc) Henry Bernal, Triumph, 144.338mph
30.50 cu in (500cc) Bud Hare, Triumph, 134.597mph
21 cu in (350cc) Lloyd Bulmer, Velocette KSS, 119.87mph
15 cu in (250cc) Delbert Branson, Indian, 80.62mph

Some one-way speeds were:
Marty Dickerson, 1000cc Vincent - 144.98
Tom Smith, 650cc Triumph - 147.78
Bobbie Kelton, Brute - Bud Hood, CB Clausen 95 cu in? Harley - 168.77
Jim Hunter, 80cu in Harley - 150.75
Mike Tucker, 45cu in Indian - 117.64
139mph with no bike, but with speedo and helmet.

Offline 1212FBGS

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Old Motorcycle Records.
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2006, 01:20:36 PM »
I ran into a guy by the name of Lou Fisher last weekend at the Vegas auction. He claims to have the Brute!