Author Topic: C/GALT Body Stretch??  (Read 5720 times)

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Offline 71GSSDemon

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2024, 08:08:05 PM »
So I read it as a stretch of the body, not wheelbase, as it specifically says the body in the cowl area in front of the firewall.  That said, if wheel base is not changed, then all I can truly assume is a firewall set back for engine swaps.  Engine swaps are also mentioned in that section as well as engine set backs.  I find it interesting, all the interpretations people come up with as they read it. 

Offline 37 ROADSTER

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2024, 09:36:59 PM »
Wheel base is only limited by fender opening , You can  not change opening in fender. If you stretch the body Wheel base can be lengthened to put Wheel in fender opening..

Offline 71GSSDemon

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2024, 11:25:20 AM »
And that makes sense.  Thank you.  I wont be changing the wheelbase, so fender relationship will remain unchanged and no stretch in the cowl area.

Offline MRK

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2024, 05:13:04 PM »
  Yeah in the cow areal for ALT class. At record certification last Nov a comp coup was disqualified for extension not being in cowl area. Was overturned because extensions in Comp Coup are not limited to cowl area.


Hey Troy.
The vehicle you mention was handed their record at the meet. They were not DQ'd.
And it had nothing to do with body stretch.

    It's john ....JL222 Troy's dad,

 We were in record certification right next to the AutuPower comp coupe and body stretch in wrong area was the discussion about disqualification or so I though.

  If not that. What?


Sorry for the mix up John.
The discussion had to do with the hood scoop and streamlining.
If you look at page 78 of the 2024 rule book, you'll see the car in question.
The discussion was whether or not they were considering that bodywork as a hood scoop or streamlining.
If they were to consider it a hood scoop, it would have to end at the back of the blower. They decided it was not a hood scoop.
The streamlining of the hood must end at the base of the windshield.
I was going to hold the record pending but knowing how the SCTA works, I decided to award them the record and have them fix it in the off-season.
There was never a DQ.

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Offline jl222

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2024, 07:18:11 PM »
  Yeah in the cow areal for ALT class. At record certification last Nov a comp coup was disqualified for extension not being in cowl area. Was overturned because extensions in Comp Coup are not limited to cowl area.


Hey Troy.
The vehicle you mention was handed their record at the meet. They were not DQ'd.
And it had nothing to do with body stretch.

    It's john ....JL222 Troy's dad,

 We were in record certification right next to the AutuPower comp coupe and body stretch in wrong area was the discussion about disqualification or so I though.

  If not that. What?


Sorry for the mix up John.
The discussion had to do with the hood scoop and streamlining.
If you look at page 78 of the 2024 rule book, you'll see the car in question.
The discussion was whether or not they were considering that bodywork as a hood scoop or streamlining.
If they were to consider it a hood scoop, it would have to end at the back of the blower. They decided it was not a hood scoop.
The streamlining of the hood must end at the base of the windshield.
I was going to hold the record pending but knowing how the SCTA works, I decided to award them the record and have them fix it in the off-season.
There was never a DQ.

 Pg 79 2023 rule book shows #8600 Gas Coupe is that your car? 

  I'm talking about the AutoPower Comp Coupe and hood scoops were ever they friggin want.


Offline Stan Back

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2024, 09:03:20 PM »
How do you get a record and have "to fix it in the off-season"?

I'm cornfused on this whole thing.

And what Class were they running.  Altered (by itself) is not a class. I's guess it's a Category -- you know -- Gas? -- Fuel? -- Blown?

What's the record now -- by who?

(And why . . . ?
Past (Only) Member of the San Berdoo Roadsters -- "California's Most-Exclusive Roadster Club"

Offline MRK

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2024, 09:40:58 PM »
  Yeah in the cow areal for ALT class. At record certification last Nov a comp coup was disqualified for extension not being in cowl area. Was overturned because extensions in Comp Coup are not limited to cowl area.


Hey Troy.
The vehicle you mention was handed their record at the meet. They were not DQ'd.
And it had nothing to do with body stretch.

    It's john ....JL222 Troy's dad,

 We were in record certification right next to the AutuPower comp coupe and body stretch in wrong area was the discussion about disqualification or so I though.

  If not that. What?


Sorry for the mix up John.
The discussion had to do with the hood scoop and streamlining.
If you look at page 78 of the 2024 rule book, you'll see the car in question.
The discussion was whether or not they were considering that bodywork as a hood scoop or streamlining.
If they were to consider it a hood scoop, it would have to end at the back of the blower. They decided it was not a hood scoop.
The streamlining of the hood must end at the base of the windshield.
I was going to hold the record pending but knowing how the SCTA works, I decided to award them the record and have them fix it in the off-season.
There was never a DQ.

 Pg 79 2023 rule book shows #8600 Gas Coupe is that your car? 

  I'm talking about the AutoPower Comp Coupe and hood scoops were ever they friggin want.


No John. I was the Impound Chief and yes, it is the Spirit of Autopower III we're talking about.
They set a record in May that I certified. Then I saw the car again on the cover of the SCTA Racing News and noticed the illegal hood scoop/streamlining. I spoke to the committee head, and he agreed that it was illegal. I should have contacted the competitor about it but for one reason or another, I didn't and when he came to Impound in November, I explained that the hood scoop/streamlining was non-compliant and that I was going to hold the record pending a Board review. I thought about it and knowing how the SCTA Board works I decided to award them the record.
After all, they gave another competitor his record, their points and all that goes with it after going out of bounds at an El Mirage Meet. I knew how the wheels would turn and made my bed. Full disclosure. I'm not sure if this was the reason I was bounced or not, but it may have had something to do with it. I was the Impound chief for 7 years and yes, I made my share of mistakes but always tried to do what was right and never let my personal feelings about a racer or team influence my decisions unlike my predecessor.
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Offline jl222

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2024, 06:54:29 PM »

  Yeah MRK after seeing a picture of auto Power car and reading the rule book I can see your point

 The wording needs to be changed because why should a Gas Coupe be allowed more streamling than
a Comp Coup as far as hood scoops.

  Auto power put small hole in front as extra air intake :-P

   MRK thanks for 11 years of service :cheers:


Offline MRK

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2024, 07:13:12 PM »

  Yeah MRK after seeing a picture of auto Power car and reading the rule book I can see your point

 The wording needs to be changed because why should a Gas Coupe be allowed more streamling than
a Comp Coup as far as hood scoops.

  Auto power put small hole in front as extra air intake :-P

   MRK thanks for 11 years of service :cheers:


It's not about body class as much as it is about how the hood scoop rule is applied.
The air intake in the front of that car is legal because streamlining forward of the cowl is allowed.
Thanks for the propers. I had a good time working with the SCTA. Saw some historic racing and met some great people.
What more could a boy ask for?
Now I can attend the races and actually enjoy them again. See you in May!
"Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting." Steve McQueen

Offline 71GSSDemon

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2024, 07:53:14 PM »
Thank you for all the replies. 

Offline MRK

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2024, 10:27:53 PM »
Thank you for all the replies.
Yeah, your thread kinda got highjacked. Sorry about that.
Good luck with your build.
"Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting." Steve McQueen

Offline 71GSSDemon

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2024, 05:57:30 AM »
I dont feel that way at all.  Everyone stayed on topic and had good discussions.  A story and some background is good. 

Offline Stan Back

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2024, 04:57:46 PM »
MRK -- Thank you for the years of service.

I just got cornfused about a car with windshield rules.  Seems like the discussion bounced back and forth between Altered, Comp, and a little Gas.  I've been more involved in running a car with no windshield.

In no way was I trying to infer that your integrity was not the best.  In years past, before you did your service, you and I were both witness to a disqualification where an official, reading a rule, added words to it and it led to not certifying a record.  In retrospect, I still owned the record.

I'm sad that you were "let go" along with Slim.
(I bailed after 10 or so years on my own accord as I was getting stressed out by someone who knew the job better than my 50 years in the field.) 
Past (Only) Member of the San Berdoo Roadsters -- "California's Most-Exclusive Roadster Club"

Offline MRK

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2024, 06:02:55 PM »
MRK -- Thank you for the years of service.

I just got cornfused about a car with windshield rules.  Seems like the discussion bounced back and forth between Altered, Comp, and a little Gas.  I've been more involved in running a car with no windshield.

In no way was I trying to infer that your integrity was not the best.  In years past, before you did your service, you and I were both witness to a disqualification where an official, reading a rule, added words to it and it led to not certifying a record.  In retrospect, I still owned the record.

I'm sad that you were "let go" along with Slim.
(I bailed after 10 or so years on my own accord as I was getting stressed out by someone who knew the job better than my 50 years in the field.)

Hey Stan.
Thanks for the recognition.
I was a witness to your incident as I had just started training with DW. I saw a side of him that day that did not sit well with me. I always made sure that I went about my business and didn't let my personal feelings about a competitor get in the way of my duties.
It was a good run and I hope that I'm remembered for being a positive contributor to the cause.
Cheers  :cheers:
"Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting." Steve McQueen

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Re: C/GALT Body Stretch??
« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2024, 07:22:47 PM »
MRK -- Thank you for the years of service.
It was a good run and I hope that I'm remembered for being a positive contributor to the cause.
Cheers  :cheers:

MRK Our car Lakester #1000 has set a few records over the years and we always believed that you were a positive contributor to the cause. Thank you for your help making Bonneville so special

« Last Edit: May 01, 2024, 08:40:16 PM by Stainless1 »
John Gowetski, red hat @ 221.183 MPH MSA Lakester, Bockscar #1000 60 ci normally aspirated w/N20