The Buddfab streamlined motorcycle site is now gone (darn!).
I remember them saying they simply coated their body buck with gloss house paint, applied release wax and glassed it. Seems almost too easy.
Anyone ever done this?
Did they use latex paint?
Were they using epoxy or poly resins? Does it matter?
Yes, I have laid glass over many things, including house paint, oil and latex. I would not recommend it using wax only. Wax is quite porous and will allow some chemical transfer between the plug (buck) and the mold. This can cause separation anxiety. However, if you use PVA over the wax, you can do anything. PVA (Poly Vinyl Alcohol) is easy to get, easy to apply and impervious to most chemicals. I spray it on the plug. It is alcohol based so it is water soluble. So, spray many light coats so it doesn't run. If it runs and turns into a mess, hose it off and do it again. You can brush it on also.
If you spray a good thick coat, it will peel of the mold in a giant sheet that will look like Saran Wrap. If it is too thin to pull off in a sheet, just hose down the mold rubbing it with your hand. The PVA will dissolve and feel quite slippery. As it disappears, the mold will just feel wet. PVA is usually green in color and sold in a jug.
You can use any resin for the mold because its bulk will provide most of the strength. Cheap polyester is OK. If you want maximum chemical resistance, flexibility and strength, I would use vinyl ester resin. It is more expensive than polyester, but I like its performance for body parts. You can buy from any fiberglass or marine supply store of get it on line. I use Glue Products in Florida. Prices are reasonable, they ship and the quality is good. I use their PVA also.