..Well I guess we are completely screwed because there no way this can happen. .....
I realize that you must be down about this, but there probably hasn't been one of us that hasn't had to change something on the car that maybe we felt was ok. We all give up something aero wise because of a rule.

How about a rod with a ring on the end of it near where the arrow is above. That area right behind your flap would probably not be effected much by something like that aero wise. Run it by them if you think it would work. No it isn't at the 'extreme' end of the car but at least behind the wing/axle configuration and awful close to the very back.
A fuse at the battery and the cable to the switch or run the rod forward under the skin to where the present switch is or rod to morse cable to do the same?
You have a ton of great engineering and construction in the car, I'll bet you will soon have a handle on this,