Well, it's 7:20 PM in Denver. Let's hope that Jon is having good results on the dyno. I have no concept as to how he accomplishes as much as he does.
He has some good help but he also works a full time job, as do many others that post here, but he also maintains this site.
John Gowetski contributes an enormous amount as do many others but it's still Jon that is the builder. Half way across the nation, Dave does all he can with only 24 hours in a day.
I know he is driven by his agreement with Don Vesco to make this project work. Unless Vesco has been beside you, loaned his expertise and support, you have no idea what an uplifting support that is. Jon is using that support as if Don was there to advise him daily.
Good luck, good results and don't be blown away if there's still a bit too much work to do before Speed Week.
We are all pulling for you........Oh webmaster.
Lets give him our verbal support now and our financial support for the website when we see him Sunday.